The Pro deal is one of those "sign up now, cancel later" deals...so long as you have a GMail/Google Account (and who doesn't?). The Pro version gives you free access to ~8 games.
I've given it a quick go on my laptop this morning, on purposely not running the eGPU, so on embedded graphics and running to a 3440 x 1440 display, and (probably most pertinent) on WiFi. I was actually pretty impressed...I know a lot of places have slated the latency, compression artifacts etc, however the actual journey is fairly clean, and to my more casual eye I couldn't feel much in the way of sluggish controls. The game I tried (Grid, "serious" driving game) had fast moving graphics, so any compression visuals would be somewhat obscured.
None of my mobile devices support playback, and unless you have the Stadia Pro controller playing on a TV is a sort of no-go right now, which is a bit of a shame as the games available are more console/couch type things. Looking through what I have lying around, I should be able to get the Playstation controllers linked up to my laptop, and then I could plug the laptop into my Gaming TV and see how that works.
Here's a quick capture of me launching a game from browser (no sound as I forgot to enable it in OBS when I was capturing). One interesting point...recording is normally a performance hit on a game, however in this case it doesn't matter, as all the heavy lifting is done off-site. Apart from unskippable cut-scenes (and my atrocious driving...I'm blaming key controls) it's all quite slick. The video is not ultrawide, as OBS didn't like doing that.
You ... you ... drove ... the right... way... around...
I don't know who you are anymore.
Also enjoyed the cheat mode thing at 2:28. I like games that do that.
Definitely one to keep an eye on. My internet bandwidth isn't great and we pretty much have 3 devices streaming at any one time. It'll all come down to the games on it. I mostly only play with Felix and Sunday Night Gaming. Definitely worth a try!
I was surprised at the performance for bandwidth...I'm about as far away from the wifi router as I can be in the house, and at the same time I had an RDP session and various work apps open (note the masked windows on the right as I open and close the game). Gill was in the other room with a similar amount of connectivity.
The rewind thing is handy, and yet I can still fuck up repeatedly.
Not all of the fuckups were yours, to be fair. The other drivers were all up in shit a lot.
I tried it out when the thing launched I got the founders pack free via a voucher I got somehow and three months of the pro. The streaming tech seemed to work pretty flawlessly I could play destiny2 in a browser or on the tv and there seemed to be very little input lag.
Of course their claims of it being 4k all the time every time have proven to be complete bollocks as a lot of games are upscaled RDR2 being one of them.
The technical parts of the service seemed to work well but the rest of it seems to be where it falls down. It has only a few fairly old games and a couple of new titles and the idea that you have to pay full price for them again on top of a subscription if you want the better graphics etc seems ridiculous. I mean they are demanding 60 dollars for their version of Assassin's Creed Odyssey which while a fun game I enjoy is 2 years old and can be bought for between 20 and 30 dollars on all available platforms.