So rockstar have released some info on the upcoming update to GTAO the diamond casino heist so it might be worth seeing if we can get that thing to run without randomly crashing for no obvious reason.
LOoks like unlike the other heists it will have some built in replayability with elements being different each run not sure how that will work in game but a nice touch over the otherwise static heists.
Hopefully it will be like the other newer heists in that the number of players is more flexible although I'm sure it will require a bunch of public free mode bullshit as well.
Naturally it looks like it needs yet another business to allow you to access the content and presumably a bunch of vehicles or extras will be part of it too. Not sure if you have to have the casino apartment as well as the arcade thing it mentions.
I'll give it another test today/tomorrow.
Would love to play GTA again, we always had a good chuckle when it was stable enough.
Just played for an hour without crashing; ran some guns and just cruised around in cars and it looks pretty stable!
I'm thrilled to say GTAO is back on the SNG menu for me! :D
Reinstalling; let the good times roll!
So i had a go of the new update and it's pretty extensive. There is a new business the arcade which passively gathers money a bit like a nightclub but instead of popularity missions it seems to be proportional to the number of arcade games you have they are purchasable and also playable once you have them. I assume it's just small change like the nightclub but low upkeep so thats nice.
Oh by the way you can get one of the arcades for free with twitch prime (which is the one I got) it's a bit of a trek to and from the place since the free one is way out of the way over in paleto bay but can always swap it out later if you have the money.
Once thats setup with a simple collect a truck mission you can start the meat of the update the casino heist. This goes in three phases.
Phase one scouting, you head to the casino and take pictures it promts you what to take pictures of this gets you the basic mission options, you can then do some more stuff taking pictures of things like entrance exits that it doesn't prompt you to do and this changes your options somehow. Next you have to hack the security system to find out what is there in the vault and what the security is like. Little minigame with a proximity hacking app where you have to follow a guard without them seeing you to get the codes or you kill them and just take the phone but then you have to lose the cops.
Next you have to go into the casino and play hot and cold till you get a wifi signal this lets you have the security cameras and you switch between them looking for things of interest in a time limit. Again you can do the basics or try and find more stuff.
The heist board shows the info you've gathered and you can also pay to get some other things like a model of the casino or a example of the keypad to paractice on (unclear what these do) once you've done the scouting you are given three possible options for the heist. The ones I got were stealth (where you sneak in covertly), the big con (where you go in under a cover), or assault where you go in guns blazing. It made it clear if at anypoint in the first two you screw up it will devolve to the third one. I also met another contacts while I was scoping the place and it seemed to imply if I did jobs for him I could open some other route in but I didn't bother with that so not sure what that would do (perhaps the three options are continenget on how much scouting you complete and what of the other optional things you do as part of the replayaboility)
I picked the big con and things moved to phase 2 the prep. I assume prep for each option is different but for my one I had the option to pick three operatives the gunner, the driver, and the hacker. This is a bit like the heists in the single player where the better the operative the more of a cut they take. In this case it seems similar except it also changes what equipment options you have. So I picked all the lowest options the poor out of 4 or so options for each category with some it seemed you unlocked. This changed what weapons you get what cars you have access to for the getaway and something else with the hacking.
So because I picked the lowest gunner I had the option of pistols and smg or pistols and shotguns I picked the smg option and then had to do a little mission to go get the weapons.
That was as far as I got but the setup so far looks like you will do a little mission for each of the prep phase to secure the guns the cars the hacking stuff then maybe some optional additions and then goi the third phase
I don't know what rhe third phase is but I presume that is execution where you do the heist itself.
So it has quite a lot of options to choose from as well as lots of little missions and things to do.
Other additions you can buy for the arcade for around 1.&M seem to be a master mission terminal a bit like what is in the terrobyte but maybe everything now not sure and a drone attack system.
Thanks EMW!
Looks like I have an arcade now. For free! Thanks Twitch Prime. Paleto bay is a fucking trek and a half, I have a cool $1m in the bank, I wonder if I can get the free one and then use that to take the sting out of the upgrade.