This has been popping up in various lets plays of people that run these sorts of games and looks pretty interesting. Single player only so Factorio and Satisfactory still have the multiplayer massive factory game locked down (one of these days we're going to get Rob a copy of Factorio so we can run it on a SNG session next time there's a sale on it :D)
This is more of a strategy type view of things you are not in the game world like in Factorio or Satisfactory but it is 3d seems to have fairly extensive build options and things to build up to.
Might be worth a look for people that enjoy this sort of game especially since Update 3 for Satisfactory has been pushed back to next year and Factorio is focussed on their 1.0 release sometime soon so no new content from either of those anytime soon.
I do like my build-em-ups but have very little time to play anything right now. I've wish listed it to show Felix, because he loves these sorts of games too.