Rockstars cowboy epic with new pc enhanced graphics out early next month
It'll include their online mode Red Dead Online
Doesn't look like it will be coming to steam at this point instead epic or Rockstar store
It looks like if you go with the rockstar store you get a free upgrade to either the special edition or the ultimate (not sure why you wouldn't just pick ultimate as that should include all the stuff in special edition)
[edit] I looked at it and it works such that if you buy standard you get special or you buy special you get ultimate [/edit]
Special edition gets you another mission and some cosmetic stuff, ultimate all of that plus more cosmetic stuff
Not sure what the online is like if it has SNG potential or not. The single player is pretty great though just in it's own right.
Happy to go with Rockstar and I think it could be a good laugh on SNG. That GTA vibe but perhaps with less crashing.
I'll likely pick it up I really enjoyed the single player on console and the idea of robbing trains/banks in a wild west gang in the online game appeals just not sure how much beyond that is going to be good. The various deathmatch modes look like the sort of lazy annoying and badly designed stuff gtao is plagued with.
You mean... we're... we're the bad guys?
Hmmm looks like Rockstar fucked up again and it turns out RDR2 on PC mostly just crashes straight away and in the slim number of cases it actually runs it's slow and full of graphical glitches
So their usual level of half arsed broken buggy implementations they never bothered to QA test
On my machine the launcher crashes as soon as you try and run the game. If you try and run the game without the launcher it just pops up a "don't run this without the launcher" box which rather makes the fact that they create a shortcut to the game rather redundant
I'm happy to wait. I'm desperate to be the 3 Amigos...
But who is who?
Seems like their shitty launcher is 90% of the issue some of the GTAV mods to remove the launcher supposedly get the thing at least to launch the game ... where it gets stuck in a infinite load menu
So they patched it a little such that sometimes I can get it to run (most of the time I get a "unable to connect to social club and we won't let you run offline") after starting it a bunch of times relogging into the launcher having the launcher re verify the files I did eventually get into the game proper ... where it somehow set the resolution of the window larger than my monitor for some reason.
Then I had to guess at the location of the settings option (it was off screen) and then try and set the resolution to something where it would all fit on screen.
After that it was mostly ok the game ran nicely and looks gorgeous. I've not even touched the online mode as goodness knows how fucked up that is if the single player is only barely functioning.
Seems like they've smoothed out the worst of the issues in RDR2 for PC I know some people were having some graphical problems or stuttering I've not experienced that myself so I don't know if they have resolved that. It should never have been launched in this state where significant numbers of players including a lot of review sites couldn't even launch the game on release day.
And undoubtedly given Rockstars boasts about crunch culture some poor bastard was forced into working unimaginable hours to fix the issues
Anyway I gave the online mode a quick go seemed fairly stable and more robust than GTAO I did the tutorial made a cowboy with a impressive moustache and muttonchops. Ran the first mission with randos some horse theiving action. It has a rank system much like gta with unlocks and stats on the various cores (healthy, stamina, and deadeye) I assume you build them up the same sort of way as in gta and indeed single player rdr2 with action. It also has this card system for dead eye which unlocks at various levels and adds additional effect while in deadeye aim mode (which in single player slows time and in this doesn't) so you can do things like boost damage while in dead eye or paint targets or recover health. So some light rpg bits.
In terms of gameplay there are the usual pvp things and all the stuff in the normal game hunting collecting and so on with activities grouped into three roles Trader, Collector,Bounty Hunter each has its own activities and you earn levels in that role which gives you points and specific unlocks.
Not sure yet how fun it is to play I just ran it to see if it worked at all I'll likely go back to playing the single player to get that finished