Some people have been finding games have been disappearing from the epic launcher that they bought. Mostly free ones but the current "resolution" is for people to pay for them again which isn't great. It seems like there is some sort of link with games vanishing from an account on an uninstall or some such with them not being listed in the account purchase history.
I went through my list of games and found 8 of them not listed in the purchase history two of which were ones I'd paid for including Satisfactory (although there was a code redeem for that but I'm pretty sure that was the free open beta weekend)
It might be worth going through and checking all the games you have are listed in purchase history, with games that you paid money for you should get an email confirming the purchase but for any of the free ones it seems epic doesn't do this.
Anyway they seem to be investigating so perhaps they will fix it but if you find any gaps in the history it might be worth raising a support ticket about it just in case
Thanks for the headsup, I'll check Felix and my accounts tonight. Of all the bugs to introduce, this is a scary one for Epic; it's not going to make people want to buy games on it if they have to buy twice!
I got a response back from epic which seemed to be a form "We are aware of this fault in the game and we are working on it" which since it wasn't a fault in a game but in their store system seemed a bit off.
I know some people will scoff at this because it's been the free games that have been lost as there is no paperwork to prove you "bought" them unlike paid games but the free games were something epic promised as a way to attract people to their platform a perk for using what is clearly an inferior system to steam. It's also part of an overall bad customer service experience people have been having with epic with things like people losing their accounts to hackers and then epic just basically throwing up their hands and saying they cant fix it and it's not their problem.
Epic have been quite open about how they don't give a flying fuck about consumers with history's greatest monster Tim Sweeny openly stating their whole approach is to get devs and publishers in their system so they can fuck up steam and get more money for their Chinese overlords Tencent so it would be good to get some sort of pressure on them and hold their feet to the fire over this and maybe get them to prioritize consumers if even for a short while before they go back to buying up every new game they can get their grubby hands on and making it an epic exclusive
The evil just keeps creeping back in!
I had to look up Tim Sweeny, he sounds like a twat. "FUCK GAMERS, WE'RE DOING IT FOR THE DEVS!"
I'm all for competition bringing down the margins for devs but exclusives are just going to screw the players. Investment is where you bring disruption in a market like this and chucking money in would also work - subsidise the games and make them cheaper for gamers while keeping the Devs afloat.
When they first started the Epic games store it sounded like they were going to be a good influence. Getting a better cut for game devs of all types rather than just the huge AAA publishers was a noble goal and lets be fair steam has been basically sitting on it's arse doing nothing. Allowing a platform that once was a mark of quality to get flooded with asset flips and other crap.
But of course Epic showed their true colours and began buying up every title they could for exclusivity while maintaining a store with severely limited functionality. I mean they still don't have a bloody shopping cart a basic feature they should have had at launch and their roadmap suggests it's at least 6 months away and other consumer friendly stuff like automated refunds and user reviews are similarly far out. Add to that the various fuckups they've made and the constant stream of "Were Heroes! Shut up we are steam are evil!" and all their "steam is a monopoly, we're fighting the system" rhetoric pales when they never criticize the other platforms like xbox or playstation where those companies have an even greater stranglehold because that would fuck up their fortnite money and they can't kill that golden goose.
What could have been a win win a positive force for devs and a fair new player in the marketplaces turned out to just be another greedy anti consumer cash grab
Sounds like they sorted most of this issue out.
The purchase history that the website displayed was hardcoded to 90 days so anything older didn't get displayed they seem to have fixed that.
The main issue seemed to be that they have no email verification and they have automatic account creation for things like gmail etc. So someone could register with a email mistyping it and it would just accept that and log in they could buy games and so on then at some point they reset or logout or some such and have to log back in.
This time they type their email correctly and login with their gmail or one of the other automatic ones epic silently creates a new account. Since they installed the games on the previous account with the typo email they are still installed on their pc and epic just shows them there under their new account since they are installed but if you uninstall or change machines or some such they disappear since they are not actually on the account you are logging in as.
So it's a fuckup in their account verification first not to check the email when the account is created initially second to allow for silent new account creation and thirdly to not actually check if an installed game actually is on the account you are logged in with. This is compounded by the lack of emails for the free games so there was no indication that the games were going to a different account. They are supposedly fixing that with confirmation emails for the free titles.
So some good moves towards fixing these issues and actively responding to the community and listening to them (and actually listening and fixing things rather than a Bethesda or EA "We are listening to customer feedback" lie). Epic still have a long way to go but at least they were quick to respond here and took feedback to improve things. Sweeny may be a twat but at least he did respond personally and get things resolved in a timely manner I can't imagine any of the other company's ceos to stir themselves to actually sort things out for their customers.
So credits where credit's due maybe they'll learn and start acting a bit more consumer friendly ... I wouldn't hold my breath on that one tho