Video game critic sometime author and sometime game dev Yahtzee Croshaw of Zero Punctuation fame has a series on game dev.
Specifically him developing games, 12 games in 12 months. There are two episodes and the plan is to do an episode every two weeks with the resulting game available on the escapist website.
It's interesting to see someone making quick games and the various thinking he puts behind his choices with the same irreverant stlye that Yahtzee brings to his game reviews and maybe his books (don't know never read any).
He's using Game maker studio 2 which is pretty common for 2d stuff and behind a lot of popular 2d games (hotline miami, undertale, forager, and all sorts) I've never looked at it myself.
The first game is a plane take off simulator inspired by papers please where you are the air hostess and you have to make sure everyones belt is done up seats are upright and devices are away before take off or the plane crashes and explodes. Some of the ideas in to how given a large block of people in the seats you indicate which needs what correction so you can see at a glance where to go is interesting and his thoughts on making animations punchy are pretty interesting.
Anyway worth a look if you are interesting in some quick and dirty game dev turning ideas into functional prototypes in a short amount of time.
Cool! Sub'd.
I liked how he set up the game really, really simply. Something I've always struggled with. Perhaps I should start writing Commute...