So some new additions like item elevators which will make moving stuff up and down a lot easier and neater
Also a new vehicle a sort of buggy looks like it has more power than the tractor looks fun
Some of the WIP item can be researched and some of the other materials like quartz and sulfur
Multiple arm slots so you can now equip the shock stick the chainsaw the various weapons or things like health items then accessible via scroll wheel.
Some new weapons like a rifle and some detonators that allow you to destroy certain rocks.
There's now a map you can unlock and radio towers that reveal parts of the map.
Still in the experimental build but should make it over to the proper release fairly soon
What I could really use is a tool to place large areas of foundation quickly, either a grid\plain lock action key, or make it more fun and create vehicle that can lay it as you drive ... especially as my next plan is to give up the ground and build everything as floating industrial complexes either over large chasms or in the sky, blotting out the sun! With tendrils rising up from the ground feeding it with a lifeblood of natural resources.
Does anyone else find it odd that the most sustainable fuel source is coal?
Some great stuff in there! I read that the devs are pretty swamped in bugs in the experimental build but I think that's more of a problem with gamer's expectations that when something is released to the outside, it is usually "finished", rather than being "full of bugs". I lay that at the door of the ropey community management that I mentioned before.
I love the updates, though. It's a pity that the explorer is such a late game item as I think that would help hugely when dealing with the inevitable hunt for oil (and now quartz). I think sulfur is already in the game but it's not auto-mineable.
Big R - now you mention it, yeah. That's hilarious. It is fitting with the ethos of the game to fuck up a beautiful planet.
Oil is also sustainable :D
LOL, that it is.
One of my concerns with the programmable splitters is that they take away one neat aspect of satisfactory: you can debug from a distance. Standing back and watching what is going on is a great way to find jams/problems/etc. If you have something programmable, I think it's more difficult to see.
The game is missing a filter\sorting element, at the moment when you send more than one kind of resource down a belt feeding production, it will eventually cause a jam; but with a special ability on the spliters, you could have all the resources needed for a production cell brought in by a high capacity belt which then splits at point of production. The pattern on the single belt would become more complicated, but should still be recognisable at a distance.
Sure, that's fair. Those are called Smart Splitters. Programmable splitters get way more complex!
My bad, hadn't got that far in unlocking yet ... I stand corrected.