From this and other articles the ASA seem to be focussing on the PC steam version of NMS since the screen shots and videos there are all from the prerelease materials and not what ended up in the game.
ASA is largely toothless beyond having the adverts taken down but still it's interesting they are actually moving to look at something like this.
Given NMS average concurrent players has dropped to under 1000 peaking at 2000 players (from 212k concurrent players at launch) I'd say it's a dead duck anyway
They say they are going to release DLC for it but unless it's something amazing it's not likely to revive it.
If DLC means total redesign then they might be able to fix it; I just doubt they will do anything on a timescale that will turn this game's reputation around.
It will also depend a lot on if the DLC is paid or not I doubt people will want to pay them more to fix their mistakes
Or, add a few little featurettes;
1) Some kind of warp-gate, and give planets some kind of Stargate Address
2) Allow mod's to "own" and design planet content and set rules
3) Actually let players see/interact with each other
You could then have some kind of space-tourism simulator. It's great having one-hundred billionty planets to explore, but when they are all full of nothing, there is no fun. If you think of all the great space-opera books, there are always nexus planets where people tend to congregate. You'd then get your big space battles, beautiful planets (or, you know "Jumping Dildo World")...
I'm going to agree completely with Pete. I love the idea of player created content that you could go and visit.
I am also not surprised that ASA are asking them to change their advertising because it's waaaaay off what the real game is. They shouldn't still be using it. I also agree that the reputation is pretty much dead and no DLC - unless EPIC and FREE - can save it.
Fingers crossed for Star Citizen.
I'm not sure their tech is really worth licencing to anyone it doesn't really do anything special it's a bunch of noise generators coupled together and something that plonks random ship/animal/gun/alien parts together to create semi unique looking jumping dildos. It's stuff people have done in many other games before they just slapped a pretty good coat of paint on it. It didn't even work that well comparing the hand made worlds in the videos to what the thing actually generates shows it's nowhere near.
Star citizen bah that 150 million and counting piece of vaporware
they're too obsessed with spending billions of cpu cycles realistically simulating multiple layers of fabric on their npc models to release an actual game :S
It also does seem a bit like some sort of ponzi scheme every time they seem to be getting somewhere they ask for more money and sell people virtual ships for thousands of dollars in a game that doesn't exist yet.