It would be fair to suggest that I've had probably my most volatile time of my life since moving up here in the past couple of weeks. The biggest change by some margin has been the arrival of Ghost, here he is:
Ghost is the most mellow springer spaniel pup in the whole world, which is good frankly as we did wonder if we'd be able to cope with him. On paper it's doable, the Mrs is around the flat pretty much 24/7 and I am around most of the time to get him out and about for the walks he will require. The neighbors have offered to take him out when I'm away if Jayne is having an immobile day n all.
We'll see how it goes, but he's doing amazingly well after only 2 weeks he will cheerfully, sit, down, leave it, come, heel (if he can be arsed) and if we're having a good day not attack the shit out of the lead. Speaking of shit he's probably better at the house training than we are atm. If he goes in the house it's by the front door. So that's Ghost. He's had me up at 07:00 every day and I love him for it!
As we were preparing for the arrival of Ghost I made a frankly speculative application for a Change Delivery Manager's job at BG. I've been back working on SAP projects for the past year or so and the CDM is very similar to the BPC role from Yell days, in that it's all about translating between the business and IS. I got it, which was quite surprising (my boss's boss has been telling me for months how I'm not in anyone's consciousness for a level 7 role) that said I reckon I'm well placed to make a decent shot of it. The IS guys love me for a start!
Finally my results for my first level 3 OU module are in. I got me a grade 2 pass, which is 2:1 in normal talk. I'm pretty chuffed with, it was a really tough year with some pretty mixed results. My essay results probably sum it up well. In order they were 62, 80, 62, 98, 82, 95. So I was incredible, shite and alright. The exam weighed in at a solid 75 which given my heavily disrupted prep was more than acceptable. If I up my game for the final module which starts in October I stand an ok chance of that elusive 1st. There's no exam for this one and I think I've finally cracked writing philosophical essays. As long as I end up with a 2:1 I'll be happy with it, that would probably be sufficient for me to kick on to a masters after all. :D
So that's me, if I came off as annoyingly smug it's 'cos I am a little bit. I've worked for this smugness mind, so I'll take it for now... Come October when it all feels like it's crashing down I'll get me graft head back on.
If someone with some vague knowledge of code wants to fix the pic feel free. :) Ta
Awesome news! Congrats on, well, everything! New role, results and an annoyingly cute pup.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to have someone in the business analyst role be on good terms with IS. If you don't have them in your back pocket, the company will feel the hit when something goes wrong or needs to be implemented sharpish.
There is no smugness more worthy or powerful than the smug you worked for. Grats mate.
Cheers. :) it is really nice to have all the work pay off at once.