This guy might just be a genius. Using a really cheap pair of safety glasses and a wii remote hes managed to get full VR working. The rest is just clever software. The bit at teh end, where he cranks out a second wii remote to shoot the screean really shows the possibilities. Given the nintendo enjoy bringing out new periperals, there is nothing really stopping them from bringing out a FPS where you can actually peak out from behind corners. You'd need a stand for one wiimote, a pair of the glasses, and a second wiimote to shoot at the screen.
That is really cool!
that's very impressive
Very cool. Thanks for sharing. One of the things I've found with these systems is that they induce giddyness and nausea in people who don't normally get motion sickness (say Baron and I). This is (mostly) due to a time lag between your movement and the movement of the screen. It can be only milliseconds but prolonged use can cause even the hardiest of people to turn into a gibbering chunder monkey. As far as making gamers for it, I really don't think it's going to be difficult. It just needs someone to do it!