FPSeses have lost their sheen for me. Half Life is excellent but waaaaaaaaay tooooooooo sloooooooow between episodes to make it work for me. BF3 won't run quick on my machine. BFBC2 was fun while it lasted but the tight maps didn't suit 64 players. Also, vehicles have been uninteresting since BFV.
This looks fun, though. A bit canon-foddery but a simple pleasure.
Although, I've just read this:
Which pretty much buttfucks my play style.
Very few modern games let you be a solo-killing machine...they are all way too slow-paced and squad-based...
Sooner or later the "Deathmatch" style game will be back in fashion (ala Quake/Unreal Tournament)...the return of twitch-gaming...though I'll probably be too old, and have a reaction time of a fortnight...