a rendition of rage against the machines Killing in the name of by a marching band
it's just awesome why couldn't there have been bands like that when I was at school learning trumpet I might have stuck with it if they played things like this rather than bach etc all the damn time. Although the only band I was in I was like 4th trumpet and had one note every six weeks so it didn't really come into it what we played
Link is dead. I went looking for it, found this scary shit:
I challenge L-O to find a more worrying vid than that!
fixed it seems druple does some strange thijngs with links with the # in them it just strips out everything before that point
Try this, I think Nibbles put it on Facebook a while ago
I must try and get to a Polyphonic Spree gig again. They're awesome! :D
I don't remember putting that vid on FB, but I did place this oddity up a few weeks ago.