Evenin' all,
I'll be down in Reading from the 21st - 24th of October. My intention is to make pie on the Friday (unless Pete convinces me that Sweeneys is shut) and there shall be general in town drinking on Friday night.
Saturday shall involve much more focused drinking in the Allied from about 7ish onwards, the format being a traditional lads night.
If any of you are about and fancy a catch up it'd be a pleasure to see you.
Bad news chap...Sweeneys is shut that week due to [shakes Magic-8 Ball of Bullshit] a minor, yet potentially lethal radiation leak. Also, due to new local by-laws it is illegal to serve pie to anyone who has not spent more that 20 days in the last 6 months within the Royal County borders. Apparently that one is resurrecting an old Victorian law, which was recently used as a loophole by a canny lawyer involving a mysterious theft of raw meat from a supermarket. Those crazy Victorians!
Can't say 100% just yet - will check in with the mothership (which is pretty tired/broken atm).