It bloody was as well... One of my old faithful gfx cards had died a heat related death closely connected with the fan deciding that spinning is not the done thing.
Not altogether bad timing given that it was my intention to upgrade in the next month or so anyway. Not knowing much about hardware I've pretty much decided to go with a build recommended by bit-tech:
Essentially that, plus a 64G SSD. Does anyone here think this a particularly unwise plan? If so why? Any suggestions on what grunt can be put together for £550 - £600 gratefully received. Case, psu and a couple o HDDs will be salvaged from the current machine.
Your plan is exactly the plan I'd choose. My current machine is a Bit-Tech (with a newer GFX card).
£550 - £600 should just about get you a GTX 590 ... after all it is only your gfx card that is blown :P
Although it might cost a bit more if your PSU isn't designed to power a small village.
If you need to justify the cost, it can double as a fan heater.
I'm not sure if my Bigger counterpart's advice was any more useful than mine. ;-)
I tend to find that wiping butter round the base of the pan with some kitchen roll before adding the mixture stops it sticking.
I'm not sure if Rob's advice was any more useful than mine either...
Cheers Robs. :) I've checked and I could get away with powering a 590. I'll need a chunkier PSU if I go down the SLi route tho...
Cracking. Now to see if I can wait until payday...
Get a non-stick pan.
Great stuff, if you really want an SSD, this looks like a nice one:
I concur.
[Least useful advice so far on this thread. Ithankyou]
So it's either that drive or get married... Tuff one to call. I'll have a think.
New rig ordered, complete with legal windows 7. Final cost is £750 for which I'll be getting an i5, 4 gig o RAM, a 6850HD, 128 gig SSD & mobo.
Looking forward to having a PC with some grunt again.