As a vague aside, I was reading yesterday about how the the chemical reactions in cows' rumen produce an enormous amount of heat - about 40 degrees c. Apparently it's sufficient to keep them comfortable down to about -20, without the need to take any other measures to regulate body temperature (like shivering.) Made me wonder if Tuantauns have a similar mechanism; it would make them an excellent sleeping-bag, since the rumination would presumably continue for a good while, even after the animal's death. :)
Submitted by AggroBoy on Thu, 2009-04-16 13:00
I love geeks. That's a superb bit of factage, Aggro. I like to think that Empire was entirely accurate in terms of fauna, geography, meteorology and blowing shit up.
That's pretty awesome.
As a vague aside, I was reading yesterday about how the the chemical reactions in cows' rumen produce an enormous amount of heat - about 40 degrees c. Apparently it's sufficient to keep them comfortable down to about -20, without the need to take any other measures to regulate body temperature (like shivering.) Made me wonder if Tuantauns have a similar mechanism; it would make them an excellent sleeping-bag, since the rumination would presumably continue for a good while, even after the animal's death. :)
I love geeks. That's a superb bit of factage, Aggro. I like to think that Empire was entirely accurate in terms of fauna, geography, meteorology and blowing shit up.