As of today I won't have a car. Well, until I save up a bit again. I'm intending to pick up something relatively newish and ex-fleet, which should be a welcome change in reliability from my run of 6-9 year old cars.
Also, on a connected matter my brother is back in Blighty for tea and medals, and will be driving me back and staying over monday.
Anyone fancy a pint or two at the Turks on Monday? Might well lead into a Cinema trip or something...
If you need to borrow a motor, let me know. I have two. As for Monday... I'll see how it goes.
Cheers mate, will bear it in mind. For day to day stuff I'll be ambulating - I could do with the exercise ;)
It looks like I'm going to ASDA after work tonight, screwing my trip to the pub. :-(
Mrs needs niche items we just don't stock. Please pass on my apologies to Adam and thank him for representing us out in a shitty situation.
No probs mate - Mondays are not a great day for pubbing. Will pass on your regards.