I was reading up on some wargaming stuff the other night (as I'm planning on getting back into it somewhat with DBA), and there was a big list of "issues with wargaming". The key ones were;
1) Time taken
2) Space Requirements
3) Storing the game partially played
There have been several attempts to do a decent wargame on a computer, but they are generally unpopular as;
1) Very hard to get an overall view of the battlefield
2) Far less tactile than moving minatures
Something like this could be a huge benefit, as it would speed up the game (no measuring, no rule lookups, potentially even no dice, taking away the complexity and allowing the players to focus on the overall strategic plan), and also keeping a record of placement/position in case stuff needs to be moved. You also get to keep the benefits of a table-based wargame. I suppose setup space is still an issue, though youy could always play at a smaller scale, and rely on the computer for added detail/information.
Submitted by babychaos on Fri, 2009-03-20 15:46
couldn't get the video to play here at work, will check it out from home later! Definately a cool concept!
Very nice.
I was reading up on some wargaming stuff the other night (as I'm planning on getting back into it somewhat with DBA), and there was a big list of "issues with wargaming". The key ones were;
1) Time taken
2) Space Requirements
3) Storing the game partially played
There have been several attempts to do a decent wargame on a computer, but they are generally unpopular as;
1) Very hard to get an overall view of the battlefield
2) Far less tactile than moving minatures
Something like this could be a huge benefit, as it would speed up the game (no measuring, no rule lookups, potentially even no dice, taking away the complexity and allowing the players to focus on the overall strategic plan), and also keeping a record of placement/position in case stuff needs to be moved. You also get to keep the benefits of a table-based wargame. I suppose setup space is still an issue, though youy could always play at a smaller scale, and rely on the computer for added detail/information.
couldn't get the video to play here at work, will check it out from home later! Definately a cool concept!