I saw this on the news yesterday...it's a spectacular new type of weird! One of them just basically runs in front of a lorry!
Submitted by babychaos on Fri, 2008-09-26 07:33
Lorry 1 : Mad Swedish Woman 0
Submitted by fish on Fri, 2008-09-26 09:36
I did feel sorry for the lorry driver in spite of the BBC overplaying how traumatised he actually was. It's the one that gets hit by a car, then gets up and starts again! Mental.
Submitted by Nibbles on Fri, 2008-09-26 09:37
Arrest FAIL.
Submitted by brainwipe on Fri, 2008-09-26 09:41
I suspect that one was actually a Terminator, sent back to kill John Connor. There is no way you should be hit by a car on the motorway, get up, run off, and need 6 police officers to restrain you.
Submitted by babychaos on Fri, 2008-09-26 09:42
I was watching Sarah Connor Chronicles last night and thinking exactly the same thing.
Submitted by fish on Fri, 2008-09-26 09:50
That would explain them being twins too, they are just a standard model T800.
I saw this on the news yesterday...it's a spectacular new type of weird! One of them just basically runs in front of a lorry!
Lorry 1 : Mad Swedish Woman 0
I did feel sorry for the lorry driver in spite of the BBC overplaying how traumatised he actually was. It's the one that gets hit by a car, then gets up and starts again! Mental.
Arrest FAIL.
I suspect that one was actually a Terminator, sent back to kill John Connor. There is no way you should be hit by a car on the motorway, get up, run off, and need 6 police officers to restrain you.
I was watching Sarah Connor Chronicles last night and thinking exactly the same thing.
That would explain them being twins too, they are just a standard model T800.