Rob and Rob's Horse Adventure Part 1

Last night, Big Rob (shame2lose) and I went on a dangerous hunt for naturally spawning horses. Armed with stone tools, saddles, food, torches, him with a sword and me with a bow, we struck out for not-yet-generated distant lands to find horses. We had huge issues with Ping. I watched the server, it wasn't under silly load and I tried a reset or two. I think it was the internets as our Steam voice chat never faltered.

South South East

We met at Ringwall's East Gate, the Big Fella dressed in raving disco armour. Although he sounded sad to take it off, I could hear the relish of the challenge in his voice. We divvied out provisions from a crate, all crafted: arrows from the Mob Drop 2000, stone tools from under Glasslake, Melon from EMW's BIG CAVE farm, saddles from dungeons explored long ago.

We left by flinging ourselves into water from Ringwall's parapet and struck out South-By-South-East, across the swamps while in sight of the slowly hazing Ringwall. We paused at the edge of an expanse of water reaching off into the horizon's haze, chopped trees and built boats.

We raced across the unnaturally flat ocean, not keeping our distance particularly well and bumping boats. A few new boats later and the light was on the wane. I set for landfall, losing sight of my companion. As the sun pressed against the horizon, I scraped out a dirt hovel and lit it with torches. I could hear panicked shouts of my companion as he searched for me. Should he spend the night cramped in his boat or make landfall where the monster roam?

The Darkness

Zombies gurgled in the dim night, the sickle moon providing only a sheen of light to see by. I heard the call of the Big Fella and turned to see him, charging across the natural harbour in his boat, a spider in pursuit. Zombies had begun a charge, having grouped into numbers. I pushed a few back with my bow, losing ground and back against the sea. With each zombie that appeared I fell back and while on the brink of being pushed back the Big Chappie raced in with his iron sword, slashing and hacking zombies into dust. I heaved a sigh of relief.

Without beds (we had met only three sheep, not enough wool for 2 beds), we held the top of the hill for the night. Zombies arrived in waves and the odd skeleton rattled about but we remained safe by the torchlit marker.

CHARGE! Oh no, hang on!

The moon slid, the horizon blushed. We could have waited. We should have waited. We were not for the waiting. As the stars faded, we decided to charge East toward a sharp side of a map error. It was not yet dawn, the monsters did not burn. I sped down the hill, feet falling over themselves, through a brace of zombies and into open ground. I could hear expletives behind me. Big Rob was beset by the undead! He had paused to battle one but they had grouped together and surrounded him. The melee was too frantic for me to fire into. He fought bravely, hacking each back until he stood alone.

It was an impressive fight, leaving him scarred. Once through, we avoided monster contact while the Big Chappie recovered, and hacked sheep for wool.

Where are you?

As we entered forest, we found (by the magic of F3) that the terrain was new. This was it! New lands, fresh and undiscovered. This is where we would find horses - but only on the plains. I led us South East through a huge forest, climbing a dirt stack every so often to look out over an endless forest. As the dark descended, we slept in newly made beds and scoffed hungrily on BIG CAVE Melon.

Trekking through the forest was slow going, it was very easy to lose each other amongst the trees. We struck on, camping another night by the dim light of a snowy lava pool and through huge jungle trees, stinking swamps and more forest.

We discovered a crevice within which a mine had grown, I snapped the big fellow for posterity.

Click for a biggy

Plains at last!

An open grassy plain stretched out in front of us. AT LAST! We had found some plains. The sense of relief was palpable. I climbed a nearby hill for a better view while the Big Chap search the plain. Cows, sheep, pigs and ducks were plenty but no horses. Not one.

After an epic journey, the hour was late and we had to stop. We returned to St. Spawncras with the magic of /spawn and decided to trek again another day.

I had a great time exploring with Big Rob, I still want a horse. I'm going to bloody find one.


Brokeback Minecraft

fish's picture

LOL! HAHHAHAHAHA! Now you come to mention it.

Fancy joining in?

brainwipe's picture

I wish I could quit you

Evilmatt's picture

I did a bunch of reading and it seems that horses are quite rare and so are plains biomes now. So, I've just done a quick trip round nearby-not-quite-generated-plains and found that they are fucking rare.

But I found 2.

They're a long way away.

brainwipe's picture