I'm going to be a Dad

Yes, Kate is up the duff. Due 11th October 2009.

Sorry if I've not seen you face to face to tell you, I really wanted to let everyone know in the flesh but it didn't work out that way!



Why is everyone I know having sprogs...

Sparky Marky's picture

I'm scared very scared.

Congrats matey.

Dwain's picture

Cheers Mark!

Thanks Dwain - sorry I didn't phone. I will do soon, old chum.

brainwipe's picture

Congrats to yourself and Kate.

Evilmatt's picture


So, Pigamemnon if a boy?

byrn's picture

Pigamemnon if it's bipedal.

brainwipe's picture

Or quadrupedal?

Or is it monkeymemnon then?

AggroBoy's picture

We have our first scan today. It was brilliant. First real proof that the baby exists. They put the probe on Kate's lower tummy and wiggled it around a lot. You could see the baby thrashing around and when at rest, it's heart was beating. The scan is designed to help date the age of the baby - which is 9 weeks and 3 days (we were told 12 from the blood test). This gives a due date of 11 OCT 2009. It's Kate's baby, it'll be late.

This is the first ultrasound image, it's not the best but you can get an idea of a baby in the bottom left (scroll down for the explanation pic).

From Baby

This one is a bit fuzzy too but you can start making out hands and maybe a leg. From the waggling that was going on, I am pretty sure it's a leg.

From Baby

And for those of us that weren't there, here's the second one with some circles.

From Baby
brainwipe's picture